Friday, May 29, 2020

88 Crazy Recruitment Ads Youve Got to See

88 Crazy Recruitment Ads You've Got to See 1K Are these the best recruiting ads or the best recruitment ads? Although they require more creativity and often, effort and money, catchy job ads can be game-changers for hiring companies. They get more attention than classic job ads, with the most creative ads getting shared on social media and beyond, and are more memorable because of the emotions they cause. They also build the employment brands and reinforce the employment slogans of their companies, making them seem like cooler places to work.eval Enjoy! Do creative recruitment ads make you want to join the advertised company more? Yes No View Results ???? Find the hottest tech talenteval ????All Jobs: Ralf “Ralf Green, butcher. Find the job that's right for you.” ????All Jobs: Will “Will O'Connor, optometrist. Find the job that's right for you.” ????Amy Burack: Bill Gates “Don't get stuck in the wrong job. Call the Amy Burack company. Executive search for marketing and advertising professionals.” ????Belif Cosmetic Chok Chok art project: Street artists wanted “The ‘Chok chok Urban Art Project', established by true herb cosmetic brand ‘belif', is an architecture/ arts project at the very top of Haemagi-gil, Itaewon. Street artists communicated with residents and reinterpreted the space using the existing materials and story. These print ads were made to recruit amateur artists to join selected professional street artists.” ????Brighter Monday: Hammer “Stuck in the wrong job? Visit our website to find the right job for you.” ????MailChimp: We'd love to meet you! ????AKA Association of Communication Agencies “Rather then to kill yourself in a job that does not suit you, flourish as the expert. Creativity has many sides, and yours is shaped by your interests and skills. Show up, and you can end up loving your job.” Electrical Engineer ????Alessio Maria Centritto: Fortune favors the bold “Sometimes finding a job is a matter of luck. But as they say, you need to make your own luck. And since I can cook, I made some fortune cookies â€" then targeted all the eCDs [Jacob: executive creative directors] in Sydney’s major agencies. Each received a bespoke DM pack: a handcrafted fortune cookie, with a simple message inside: the link to my work. Time will tell if this is my lucky campaign.” ????Career Builder: Hannibal “The right job keeps you out of trouble.” ????Career Builder: Osama “The right job keeps you out of trouble.” ????Career One: Richard Branson, Manager “Find the job you're suited to” ????Career Times: Office “Resurrect your aspirations.” ????Career Times: School “Resurrect your aspirations.” ????Coebergh Red Fruit Farm: Carriage “The Coebergh Red Fruit Farm, a peculiar place where a liquor called Coeberg is made, is looking for a new managing director. What better place to do so than at one of the biggest career events in the Netherlands? With a tailor made ‘recruitment carriage' pulled by some of the male farm workers, the girls decided to stir up things a bit resulting in a wave of free publicity for the campaign thus driving traffic to where interested ladies can take the job test. ” ????Creative Director reqruitment: Missing a CD “An advertising agency in Amman have targeted most of the Creative Directors in the Middle East to apply for this job (if they are not happy at their current agency of course). We thought the best way to target them was to send it straight to them by post. Over 100 postcards were sent, so keep your eyes peeled there maybe one coming your way.” ????Eagle Print Awards: Roadkill “In a parallel universe your job might suck. Make the most of this one.” ????Eagle Print Awards: Gun range “In a parallel universe your job might suck. Make the most of this one.” ????Eagle Print Awards: Massage “In a parallel universe your job might suck. Make the most of this one.” ????Ebay: The eBay Job Offers “We address our prospective sellers where they least expect it: in the job advertisement sections of newspapers. “ebay is looking for sellers” is the motto and we used fitting job advertisements to turn passive eBay members and people, who aren't even eBay users yet, into active sellers at eBay. Just by offering them a perfectly matching job.” ????Filadelfia Comunicação: Worst job in the world “Worst job in the World â€" Filadelfia's creative department trainee program. As a parody to Cannes winner “Best job in the world”, we created a blog to advertise the agency's creative department trainee program, called “The Worst Job in the world”.” ????Financial Research Company: Job advertisement “This job posting on craiglist talks to the target, programmers” ????Graduate Career Coaching: Experience, 3 “Experience: Leaving repeated messages for Human Resources people. Starting to act a little stalker-y. ” ????Graduate Career Coaching: Experience, 4 “Experience: Sending out resumes. Waiting for the phone to ring. Checking to make sure the cord's plugged in.” ????Graffiti BBDO: Garlic “Afford to paint slightly sophisticated still lives. Get a job in advertising.” ????Graffiti BBDO: Nude “Afford to paint slightly more sophisticated nudes. Get a job in advertising.” ????HP: Express Yourself and Get a Job! “We launched a campaign that put individuality back into job-hunting in Japan. It was the introduction of an entirely new recruitment system: students who gave unique answers to questions set by top executives of leading companies in Japan on the HP campaign site were given an opportunity to have face-to-face job interviews with the presidents.” ????Husky Mohawk: Buddies “Tell your buddies you work in oil gas.” ????IKEA Recruitment: IKEA Career Positioning System “A GPS-enabled mobile billboard drove around neighboring suburbs and relayed Google Maps data to a display screen, constantly updating time and walking distance to the new store for potential candidates to see.” ???? â€" Key “Right people in the right place.” ???? â€" Triangle “Right people in the right place.” ???? Doll “Looking for a new job?” ???? Boring Job Kills! “Career with a Cause is a forum that aims to gather people who want to work in NGO’s dealing with social policy, ecology, development and support of civil society, human rights, culture, tourism and other.” ????KMD: High chair “Get a career with room for your private life. KMD is growing steadily and we have room for you. But more than that we offer a career with room for both your professional ambitions and your family ambitions. In a work environment where everyone knows the value of a healthy work-life-balance you can shape your career to match your current state of life.” ????KMD: Pram “Make time for your kids while they’re still kids. KMD offer an IT-career in a human environment where your career is continuously shaped according to your individual wishes. They have a life stage policy which gives you the possibility of extra days off if you have young children, longer holidays and a selection of other arrangements that support the exact life stage you are in.” ????L'Etudiant: Astronaut “Are you sure your career choice is the best fit?” ????L'Etudiant: Fireman “Are you sure your career choice is the best fit?” ????L'Etudiant: Lifeguard “Are you sure your career choice is the best fit?” ????Longtail Communications: Think small. And different. ????Mercurio Productions: The Career Booster “The agency started from this insight: Italian creatives believe that going to the Gannes Festival is a good opportunity to meet important creative directors and to be hired by them.” ???? Bench “Your head is useful. Check open positions at Great jobs.” ???? Kitchen “It’s brainless to work in a job you dislike. New jobs available at Great jobs.” ???? Office “It’s brainless to work in a job you dislike. New jobs available at Great jobs.” ???? Wrong job, hockey players “Two hockey players have become street cleaners, in order to draw attention to the effects of being stuck in the wrong job. The act also reminds people that is the best platform for finding the right job. So you can put your talent to good use.” ???? Wrong job, F1 driver “An F1 driver has become a rickshaw driver, in order to draw attention to the effects of being stuck in the wrong job. The act also reminds people that is the best platform for finding the right job. So you can put your talent to good use.” ????OCC Móvil: Bathroom “Job offers, wherever you are.” ????OCC Móvil: Bus “Job offers, wherever you are.” ????OCC Móvil: Car “Job offers, wherever you are.” ???? Horrible job survival kit “According to many surveys, almost 90% of employees in Serbia are not satisfied with their job. The goal of the campaign was to help them understand that it is better to find the new job than to suffer the unbearable one.” ????Pure FM: Wake up for a Job “Pure FM decided to help young people to find a first job by forcing them to get up early. How? We created a special slot during ‘Snooze,' the morning show at Pure FM. In this slot, exclusive job vacancies were read out at 6AM. These job vacancies were exclusive because it was impossible to hear and read about them elsewhere.” ????Recruiting: Geek Recruiting ????Recruiting Of Strategy Consultants: Every Story has a Beginning “We developed a high-quality book and slipcase to assist the recruiting. The intelligent, high-end approach aims to stimulate interest in a career at Roland Berger. Designed like old books, with the motto “Every story has a beginning”, first sentences of famous works are cited.” ????Right Job: Medication “In the wrong job, being very good can be very bad.” ????Right Job: Sketch “In the wrong job, being very good can be very bad.” ????Right Job: Uniform “In the wrong job, being very good can be very bad.” ????Royal Air Force Career: Aerospace “Search online for RAF Careers.” ????Royal Air Force Career: MOVER “Search online for RAF Careers.” ????TDA_Boulder: Best/Worst Job Interview Ever “There’s only so much you can learn about an applicant over the course of an hour-long interview. Which is why TDA_Boulder [will be] bringing you along on our two-day holiday party in Las Vegas. Given that Vegas has a tendency to bring out the best (and worst) in people, it’s the perfect proving ground for anyone who’d like to work at TDA.” ????The Career Builders: Brain Bones “Yo-Ho-Headhunting” ????The Mellor Partnership: Titles “We created a series of business cards that use ridiculously grandiose job titles to describe very mundane jobs. The strapline on the back of the cards reads “Upgrade your job, not your job title” to suggest that The Mellor Partnership offers a better way to improve your professional status. Making the media part of the message helped drive home the point.” ????The Railway Industry Association in Germany: Banana “In the rail industry, you can work without making compromises: jobs that are high tech, ecological , crisis-proof, and flexible. If interested in exciting tasks and international perspectives, then start your career with us.” ????The Railway Industry Association in Germany: Panda “In the rail industry, you can work without making compromises: jobs that are high tech, ecological , crisis-proof, and flexible. If interested in exciting tasks and international perspectives, then start your career with us.” ????The Railway Industry Association in Germany: Shark “In the rail industry, you can work without making compromises: jobs that are high tech, ecological , crisis-proof, and flexible. If interested in exciting tasks and international perspectives, then start your career with us.” ????McDonalds India: Learning experience “It's important to learn and grow. A job at McDonalds offers an experience where you learn skills that will stay with you throughout your life while working with new friends who celebrate your achievements.” ????Pure Home and Living: do you see a staircase in there? “Pure Home and Living- a premier home lifestyle store, is on the lookout for inspired Interior Decorators and Design Consultants eager to craft simple, beautiful solutions out of the abstract, and create delightful interiors.” ????A Classic Ad from DDB ???? Campaign Manager ????Google is Searching for Beautiful Minds “The final answer: 617-639-0570. The number is a substitution cipher that you get by writing out 0-9 then A-Z, then using the keyword “JOBS” to shift the letters. Interestingly, there is also a second solution (617-274-8660), which leads to another non-Google recruiting number. That one might just be a red herring, or a way to weed out the semi-smart folks who couldn’t come up with the harder solution.” ???? Electronic Arts Hiring “Now Hiring” ????MaxCDN: Server Response Headers “X-Hello-Human: You should work for us!” ????Bigcommerce is looking for Software Engineers “1BP49B(36) is a positional numeral system using 36 as the radix. The choice of 36 is convenient in that the digits can be represented using the numerals 0â€"9 and the letters Aâ€"Z, where A=10, B=11, C=12. Hence, B = 11 and P = 25. Therefore the phone number is 11 + 9*36 + 4*36^2 + 25*36^3 + 11*36^4 + 1*36^5 = 80113871. So, the bat phone number is +61 (02) 8011 3871.” ????DoorDash Software Engineer Jobs “Hi there curious developer!” ????Be a Frontend Engineer at reddit “Reddit published this blog post to promote a Frontend Engineer position last year. There is a “job.apply()” button at the end of the page, but nothing happens when clicking. The trick is to look at the javascript source code, execute “job.apply” with the correct argument, enter your personal information in some other javascript variable, and an email window will appear with the coordinates of the recruiter.” -Romain Paulus ????Hidden Microsoft Bing Job Ad “If you're using Internet Explorer and have enabled the browser debug settings*, a small message pops up containing the words: “Do you want to debug this webpage?” Then, if the you run the IE developer tools console, a clearer message pops up, asking: “Interested in creating experiences? Apply today.”” ???? Royal Australian Air Force “The first four terms in the formula produce the Defence Jobs phone number, 131901, when added together. The formula works if you replace sin2 x with sin (2x) in the third-last line, and (2k-1)! with (2k+1)! in the second-last line.” ???? Holy Trinity in Brook Green: Beer mats I couldn't find a picture, but here's the story (via John Kuraoka): Church uses beer mats to recruit for priesthood More funny and creative job ads ?? 43 Stupidly Funny Wanted Job Ads ??77 Particularly Creative Job Recruitment Ads For 2017 88 Catchy Recruitment Ads You've Got to See 117 Funniest Creative Job and Recruitment Ads 55 Great Job Recruitment Ads From Around the World 50 Most Creative Recruitment Ads in the World 7 Funny Newspaper Job Wanted Ads You’ve Never Seen Top 10 Best Job Ads of the World

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hey, its time to pre-order my book!

Hey, its time to pre-order my book! Todays the big day that I announce my book. Its not out yet. Not until May 22. But today is the day I put the photo of the book cover on the blog and tell you that you should pre-order the book. Yes. Please do that. But what Im really going to do today is tell you about career change. Because thats what I did when I wrote this book. It wasnt the kind of career change where I was a ballerina one day and a construction worker the next. I mean, I had been writing a weekly column for five years. So writing a book shouldnt be a stretch after that. But in fact it was a big stretch. Writing a book is very different from writing a column, and that was a problem. After five years as a columnist, I was pretty confident in my ability to turn out a career tip in 600 words. So I waited until a month before the book was due, locked myself in a room, and threw together a book. Then I danced around my New York City apartment crowing about my brilliant authorship. For about four days. Until my editor got back to me with a hand-delivered letter that said, basically: This manuscript sucks. So, maybe you think if you got that letter, you would immediately hunker down and fix things. But thats was not so easy to do. I was used to my editors telling me how great my column is. How popular it is. How funny I am. You get used to being really good at something and you dont really want to hear anything else. Its hard to start over at something and be just a beginner. So I spent about four months whining to my agent and saying I write how I write and Im not changing it to pander to some editor and I think Im just going to get a corporate job. I said that a lot like, maybe twenty times. This is what change looks like: kicking and screaming. Because change when everything is terrible looks like a great idea. But when things are going pretty well, change looks too hard. The thing is that every time I imagined myself not writing this book, and going back to a corporate job, I got sad. I love writing so much, and I feel so lucky to be able to do this for my work. So, one day, when I was whining and complaining, my agent told me that if I didnt write the book the way the publisher wanted they were going to dump me. That was sobering. I did not want to be dumped. I didnt want to go down in the book world because I was stubborn and difficult to work with. So I decided to write the book the way my editor wanted. My editor, Diana Baroni, is good. She realized that I was being stubborn because I was scared to have to learn how to do something new. She was patient with me, and she even gave me an extra year to write the book. Yep. You read that right. My book was a year late because thats how much extra time I took to decide that I was going to learn to do something new. But it will come as no surprise to you that it was a great learning experience. One of the biggest differences between writing a book and writing a column is that a book has to have a Big Idea. So the big idea for my book is that the new generation has ushered in a new workplace, and the old rules dont apply. If youve been reading my blog regularly, youll know that I write about this all the time. But in the book, its very organized. Before I got my book contract, I didnt really write about big ideas. The process of writing the book taught me how to think bigger. And, of course, Diana was very good at keeping me from writing a lot that is just about my life and only tangentially giving career advice. (Like this post, for example.) So look, next time someone wants you to change what youre doing, and you think its just a bunch of extra work because what youre doing is fine, think about my book. How much it taught me about how to think bigger, and differently, and broaden the range of hurdles I can approach. You can do the same. If you can be humble enough to be a beginner again.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Its Summer. Try Something New.

Its Summer. Try Something New. The man who does things makes many mistakes, but he never makes the biggest mistake of all â€" doing nothing. -Benjamin Franklin Summer is almost in full force, and the living is easy! Do you notice in summertime how everything seems promising? The plants are in full bloom and the sun feels glorious on your skin. The longer days give you boundless energy, making you feel like it’s possible to achieve all your desires and dreams. Why not harness this energy, ride the wave of summer and try something new? Throughout the year we live at an intense pace (physical, emotional and mental), and we often get stuck in routine, either for the sake of efficiency or out of fear of unfamiliar territory. The lack of variety in doing the same things over and over stagnates not only our minds, but also our bodies and hearts. Are you hesitant to break your routine? Fear and excitement have the same physiological expression in our bodies; it is our mind that classifies the feeling as either positive or negative. So the next time you consider a change in routine and your mind says “scary!” see if you can re-frame it as “exciting!” What is something you have never done before or that you have wanted to do for a long time? Choose your own adventure: organize a kayak trip, take a dance class, do some exotic traveling or set a goal for a new personal challenge. Or try something simple, like playing flashlight tag with your kids and neighbors or reading in the sunshine. Maybe it’s time to discover a new vegetable dish or to visit a new town, restaurant or beach. Whatever adventure calls to you, use this summer to make it happen and enjoy your life. Increasing new experiences and excitement in your life can decrease your dependence on artificial stimulants like caffeine and sugar, leading to more vibrant health. Watch out for massive improvements in physical well-being, mental acuity and motivation, plus a full portfolio of fun. Food Focus: Raw and Cooling Salads Why is it that in the summer we naturally crave more fresh and raw foods? These foods have a cooling effect on the body. The lightness and high water, fiber and vitamin content work together to act as our internal air conditioning during these warm months. At this time of year we also need less dense, high-energy food because we get so much energy from being outside in the fresh air and sunshine. There is no better season than summer to have fun creating your own fresh, tasty, creative salad combinations. By simply tossing together several of your favorite raw veggies, naked or with a light dressing, you have a perfect meal for a hot summer’s day. Try your favorite leafy lettuce with various sliced, diced or grated veggies. The possible combinations are endless. Fresh herbs are a wonderful option to mix in, as they are packed full of flavor. Experiment with adding diverse forms of protein to your salads, such as nuts, seeds, beans, tofu, fish or poultry. Pick up a light and healthy dressing at your local health food store, or mix up  something easy, like lemon juice, black pepper and olive oil. This is a great opportunity to try a new vegetable from your market. What are some creative flavors you’ve never tried before? Fennel and mint? Daikon radish and arugula? Summer squash with watercress? Whatever you choose, have fun with your food and stay cool. Happy summer!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Blueprint for an alternative careers ecosystem

Blueprint for an alternative careers ecosystem It will take a combination of services that will really provide an alternative to college and university careers services. Currently in the UK, 1000 different people offer 1000 different services, when 10 could come together and offer an alternative careers ecosystem. In this article I won’t go into whether careers services are good or bad (for that, see this article or this  or even this one for some views), whether careers services are fit for purpose or not or anything that debates what we have now. I want to show how there could be an alternative careers ecosystem that could be able to better help students and graduates. Here are the problems I see with traditional careers at the moment: Good people working in the service, but stuck in bureaucracy of university policies Currently careers services have little or no IP on the technology they use Careers advice is good, but the medium of delivery is still outdated â€" Walk-ins, morning only, etc And to overcome these and offer some more additional benefits, there is a need to build an alternative careers ecosystem that makes use of technology and human intelligence to help students and graduates. Here’s one model that may work. I mentioned before, in the UK, we have 1000 people doing 1000 different things. And I want to see if a few of these worked together, could we build an alternative careers ecosystem that will provide end-to-end support to students and graduates. Before I start, here are some points to note: Any website or service listed below has not taken part in this article and it is purely my view Assumption Only counting students and graduates who are looking to go into employment Before I try to show the blueprint of how there could be an alternative careers ecosystem, I will try and list out what a job seeker needs to go from unemployed to employed or atleast have the best chance of being employed in the least amount of time. The job seeker doesnt know what to do to get a job â€" he / she needs some information Inform job seekers about the recruitment process â€" remove black hole of information Once this information is fed in, the job seeker wants to know: Where to look for jobs Plugging gaps that employers see courses / work-experience Continuous improvement in job search The job seeker then wants to speak to someone about: Experience in job search , hints and tips / mentors Network with people / alumni Get more personalised advice if required / advisers employers The same has been crudely represented in a hand drawn image below â€" Classic isn’t it? Talk about technology and hand draw an image ?? This is what I assume will be required for a job seeker to get a job only that. So now, here’s a solution to this from what I call an alternative careers ecosystem. 1. Educate the job seeker of the recruitment process in the UK OK, so I know there is no good guide / site at the moment which lays out the student and graduate recruitment in the UK. There definitely is some work to be done here. There is information available on hundreds of websites, but we need one consistent guide to show that majority of graduate employers or direct entry employers use. But once this is done, WikiJob is a great resource to get information for student and graduates job seekers. Every student and graduate looking for a job needs to know about WikiJob and it should act as a service entry point for information. Because most of the information is updated by those looking for a job and most advice is given by those who’ve been through the experience. Peer to peer model is the best / most comfortable way to start job search. WikiJob peer to peer model has to increase in the new careers ecosystem At this stage, websites and services like that offered by Aimee Bateman on CareerCake and what Nick Newman offers  with CareersBox  could help students and graduates get an insight into exactly what employers look for etc. 2. The job seeker knows what to do, next up is where A job seeker needs a job. For most of them that really is the case. So let’s focus on that. Firstly, there will be a need to create a site that can aggregate jobs from various approved jobsites. Yes, there are already sites doing this, but what I am proposing is a more open source site. It would be a site that has the ability to aggregate jobs from various other sites and also offer the ability for the job seeker to add his or her favourite jobsite to it. Someone wants to add Unitemps to it? Add it. LinkedIn? Add it. It shouldn’t simply take jobs from the granddads of jobsites. The job seeker knows he or she has to do an online application, brush up the cv, prepare for interviews, etc. But how does that happen? You’ve got to make it easy enough for someone to do that from the comfort of their seat at their pace, in their time. For this, we could use Graduate Rescue. Graduate Rescue offers various services from within its site for a small fee. Graduate Rescue employs a yearly membership model that gives job seekers access to interview preparation, assessment etc. These resources on their own would cost a lot more than £20  a year  that Graduate Rescue charges, it’s a social enterprise. And finally, plugging the gaps via courses and work-experience. So, with regards to work-experience the jobsites at the start of the section will satisfy the requirement or we could drive a close integration of aggregated jobs from some specific placement sites like RateMyPlacement and Enternships. However, for other gaps â€" I think online courses give enough information to plug the gaps. I’ve heard from a few people who have done career related courses and I am surprised by the information they received. You can also do business courses etc and gain some experience that way. For the Jobs and Courses, what I do recognise is, there has to be a community driven spirit to keep the quality of the content top notch. If it’s useless it shouldn’t be there or atleast shouldn’t be suggested. 3. Now about the human touch / networking / mentoring I know there is a lot of debate at the moment of job seekers losing the ability to meet someone and speak to an adviser. And I appreciate that. It is important that job seekers have the choice of meeting someone and getting a more face to face advice. However, why does it have to be careers advisers all the time? Why can we not get more alumni and mentoring conversations going? Here’s what currently happens â€" Careers Advisers speak to employers / alumni. And arrange a presentation or two. Then Students and Graduates learn from Careers Advisers what the employers / alumni have to offer. As shown in the image below this is how I think most careers service currently work. And with the alternative careers ecosystem, we can enable alumni / mentors and employers to directly speak to the job seekers. We can still have expert careers advisers to offer their services to job seekers. One way of offering service using technology can be Google Helpouts. I am no careers expert; I love technology and blogging about employment and enterprise. I was one of the first 1000 people globally to launch the Google Helpout service. Here’s my Careers Helpout. Anyways, the point is, we could have certified people who offer advice now, be aggregated onto a platform where job seekers can easily search and book from the providers on a tried and tested method like Google Helpout. This isn’t an endorsement of the product; it’s me saying we can offer alternative personal approach via that platform. As for mentoring and alumni, there is some work to be done here. In the UK I haven’t come across a viable solution yet which offers online space for alumni’s to connect and offer their mentoring services to students and graduates. LinkedIn is a good way, but we need something where students can easily tap into the network of their alumni and this can be facilitated by the institutions that they belong to. Now, Careers Advisers can provide oversight onto the process and interaction level of a lot more students and graduates. So, that is my very simple blueprint of creating an alternative careers ecosystem without too much investment and yet getting the people who really want to help, on board. To run all this we need someone who can gel it al-together and make no mistake, I don’t underestimate the task at hand. But think, if the services and people mentioned within this article, came together and with a little more investment in product development, we could well and truly deliver something that will help students and graduates. As for running this, if only the likes of global helper Ketan Makwana, careers enthusiast Nick Newman, someone who understands going professionally solo Leo Woodhead, Careers week ambassador and the one who  defends  careers for young people Janet Colledge, the cool and powerful Aimee Bateman, Content and Social Media Marketing professional  Asya Bodeva, the innovative Rachael Smith from Graduate Rescue and Rajeeb  Dey from Enternships in one room and said can we make this work? I think we could. Do I have the power to action this blueprint… No. Do I think these people will be able to  offer this alternative careers ecosystem to help the young job seekers in  the UK…. Yes. Over to you guys. Please note all services and people named in this article were done so without asking them. They may or may not agree with the article. And it clearly isnt their view, it is my view. However, I believe in the work these people do and think 10  people  coming together is more powerful than offering 1000 different sources of getting the same answer.                                                                                     19

Friday, May 15, 2020

Resume Writing Services - Why We Use Resume Writing Services

Resume Writing Services - Why We Use Resume Writing ServicesRating resume writing services are not only good for job seekers. They are also very helpful for business owners and employers. This is because of the number of different types of resumes that need to be written.Resume writing services are perfect for any type of writing that you can think of. If you're a doctor, a lawyer, or a nurse, chances are you have received a number of resumes in your mail. These have probably come from new patients, previous patients, family members, friends, coworkers, or anyone else that you might know.Someone in this list could be an employer looking for a new employee. They may be searching for someone to fill a vacant position at their clinic. Or, they may be seeking a new salesperson for a local store. Either way, a resume will be required.At one time, a resume was used as just a simple document that presented you as an individual. You went through the details and gave the employer or company y our best self. This was probably a means of gathering more information on you and what you're capable of doing.Nowadays, however, the resume has become more than just a resume. It's the person's personal statement. It's the most important part of the resume. It's what proves that a person's worth as a team player and as a valuable employee.Resume writing services are able to help fill these jobs. By doing this, they are helping the employer or client to find something of value that the person presents. By giving them a rating, they are also helping the client to decide whether or not they should hire the person.The service does this by rating the resume. The more you work with the writers, the more accurate they become. Because they're working with the same material as the client, they have to write this off as a service charge.This is an important factor that can help get the final result that you're looking for. If you're still unsure about hiring someone, then rating resume writi ng services is a great way to get the services that you want. After all, you want to find someone who can actually write your resume and not someone who can take a few of your hard earned dollars and end up giving you a poor product.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to succeed in business if youre not a morning person - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

How to succeed in business if youre not a morning person - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Work has moved from cow to computer, but workplaces still favour early risers and an industrial-age view of productivity. Camilla Kring has a PhD in Work-Life Balance and as owner of Super Navigators, makes workplaces happier by increasing the Work-Life Balance of their employees. She is specialized in creating flexible work cultures that support our differences in family forms, work forms and biological rhythms. This is her talk from the International Conference on Happiness at Work 2017 in Copenhagen. Flexibility is among the keys to well-being, and management must have the courage to address the flexibility of their company?s work culture because culture determines whether employees have the courage to make use of flexibility. The first step is to set people free from 9-5 and that work is something that only can take place at the office. Work is not a place ? it?s an ongoing activity. Second, focus more on results and less on visibility. Third, give people the tools to improve their individual Work-Life Balance. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

Aaron Sorkin When you feel good you do the best writing. - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Aaron Sorkin When you feel good you do the best writing. - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Im currently taking an online masterclass where Aaron Sorkin, the legendary writer behind The West Wing, A Few Good Men, The Social Network and many others, teaches screen writing. In one lesson, he underscored the importance of feeling happy while writing: Remember, writing and painting a fence are two different things. Painting a fence may be back breaking work. But first of all, you know what you?re supposed to do. You dip the brush in the paint, and you paint. But mostly, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. That light may be a long way away, it may be a really long fence. But you can see where it ends. What you don?t need when you?re painting is to be in a good mood. You can be in any mood you want and the fence is going to turn out roughly the same. When you?re writing, you need to be in a good mood. You need to have energy. You need to feel entertaining. You need to feel good. And that?s when you?re going to do the best writing. So any little emotional helpers, like crossing things off and seeing that you?re making progress. Anything that?s going to make you feel good is good. I think thats a brilliant point. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related